Save Chikorita, Save the Environment. ♥

Hello there!

Remember that it is everyone's responsibility to do a part in saving the environment! It is also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to stay free from sickness!

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A class of students from River Valley High School.


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March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 July 2011

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Designer: candyheaven
Background: photobucket
Cursor: dorischu

♥ Sunday, April 3, 2011

Have you ever watched the news or seen your parents reading the newspapers, and seen news about oil spills? And the poor animals who are hurt in the process.

We humans have caused quite alot of damage to the animals.

This poor oil covered seagull is only one in the many animals we have hurt. And there are many many more who will soon be extinct, because we are destroying their homes.

Some animals are already extinct, which means that we will never see these animals again.

It sounds impossible, but it's true, no one has seen them for some time and there will not be anymore of these animals. And more animals are going to become extinct if we don't do anything. Can you imagine never seeing a cute panda ever again?

Or a friendly dolphin?

Or a cute frog?

We must all start taking action to save the animals, by saving the Earth. Right now, the Earth is experiencing global warming, which makes the weather in some sountries very hot, but very cold in other countries. The animals can't adapt to these changes. Can you imagine a polar bear, with its thick fur, in the desert?

We should all try to save our environment by Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling, as well as conserving water. If we all work together and play our parts in saving the Earth, then maybe we can prevent these animals from becoming extinct.


poke-ed on 2:53 AM